
The conference PR'19, Photorefractive Photonics and beyond, is the 17th in a series of biennial Topical Meetings that started in Los Angeles (USA) in 1987. The venue of the 2019 conference will be the city of Gérardmer in the heart of the Vosges mountains. It will be the third conference of this series that takes place in France, after 1990 (Aussois) and 2003 (La Colle sur Loup).

In the last few editions, the scope of Photorefractive Photonics conference has been extended beyond the traditional fields of Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices to include topics linked to several related phenomena, the link being in connection with the nonlinear materials being used, the approaches being taken, or the kind of applications being envisaged.

The topics of interest for the PR'19 conference will include experimental and theoretical studies on:

Materials: Inorganic, organic and hybrid materials for photorefraction and nonlinear optics. Crystals, liquid crystals, polymers, nonlinear fibers, gain media. Organic semiconductors and perovskites.

Material micro- and nano-engineering: Ferroelectric domain engineering, waveguides, resonators, integrated photonics, volume gratings, metasurfaces and metamaterials.

Charge generation and transport: underlying physics, polaron related effects, charge and exciton transport in novel photovoltaïc materials (organics, hybrid perovskites).

Wave mixing: Interferometry, dynamic holography, optical signal processing, data storage, wavefront shaping and beam cleanup, slow and fast light, EIT-related effects.

Nonlinear light-matter interaction: ultrafast processes, beam propagation dynamics, solitons, control of light by light, frequency conversion (UV, VIS, IR, THz), optical limiting and modulation, self-organization and spatio-temporal dynamics, nonlinear plasmonics.

Lattice photonics: Novel lattice structures and fundamental physics, quantum analogies.

Parallel digital photonics: Digital holography, adaptive optics, amplitude and phase spatial light modulation: devices and applications (biophotonics, biomedical ...).

New imaging approaches: Imaging by photon correlation, photoacoustic and acousto-optic imaging in scattering media, ...


Important dates

250-words abstract submission deadline:  
February 10, 2019 (closed)

Acceptance notification:
March 15, 2019

Early-bird registration deadline: 
April 30, 2019

Two-pages summary deadline:
April 30, 2019

Conference dates:
June 18-21, 2019